Jewish Voice for Peace Health Advisory Council
Calls for a 7-Day Pause (Ceasefire) in Gaza for Polio Vaccine Campaign

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Since October 2023, the Israeli military has destroyed much of Gaza’s healthcare system along with its water and sewage facilities. In June 2024, poliovirus was detected in Gaza's wastewater, posing a new threat to the lives of a population already weakened by displacement, hunger, trauma, and direct injuries from this assault. On August 23, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the first case of polio in a 10-month old infant suffering from acute flaccid paralysis. Two other cases of acute flaccid paralysis have been reported in Gaza and are awaiting laboratory confirmation of poliovirus as the underlying etiology. Polio is a highly contagious virus and its reemergence has led to grave concern of a widespread outbreak in Gaza and the surrounding region.

Prior to October 2023, Gaza’s robust vaccination program led to polio eradication for over 25 years. Now, due to the Israeli assault on Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure and its restriction on the entry of humanitarian aid - including vaccines - Gaza’s children are unable to start or complete their vaccination series. A prompt, rapid, universal vaccination campaign among Gaza’s vulnerable population is the only way to stop the spread of polio. United Nations’ agencies including UNICEF, UNRWA, and WHO, along with non-governmental partners on the ground, are prepared to begin phase 1 of a two-part vaccine campaign immediately. In order to reach all children in Gaza, a 7-day ceasefire is required. Hamas has agreed to this pause. Israel has not.  

We call on the US Congress to demand an immediate 7-day ceasefire in Gaza so that a universal polio vaccination campaign can be implemented. The spread of polio must be stopped. Viruses know no borders. Viruses do not respond to negotiation strategies or partial agreements. The health and lives of children in Gaza and throughout the region demand that we act immediately. A “polio pause” to the war is the only way to guarantee the safety of both patients and health care workers and assure a successful polio vaccination campaign. The US must use its leverage to demand that a ceasefire is implemented immediately. 

Beyond the immediate crisis, we call for a permanent ceasefire, an end to US weapons and funds for the Israeli military, unhindered entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, and the immediate rebuilding of all infrastructure, including the healthcare system, that has been destroyed by indiscriminate Israeli military attacks. We believe that there is no military solution to this conflict and that violence is self-perpetuating. We join the voices of those calling for a just political resolution that respects the well-being, dignity, self-determination and freedom of all those living in Palestine/Israel.

Sign the petition here.